Alpha Update: preparing for Steam VR Fest... and Early Access release

Hi everyone.

Been quiet these weeks because I didn't want to make any change that would cause the game to be broken on Steam Early Access release.

Next week Steam VR Fest start, and the game will be available there on the first day (for all of you who already bought it on itch, your steam keys will activate then).

I've been adding small fixes and quality of life stuff to try and have a somewhat polished release. These are the main new things you'll find in this update:

-Seat offset option: gives you a 40cm height boost so you can play seated

-Virtual crouch option: makes it possible to "virtually crouch" ingame, pressing back on your camera controlling stick or trackpad (it goes well with the seat offset)

-Added the cowboy hat and hockey mask cosmetics

-Added the pipe, the sentry gun and the sentry gun mags to the item spawner.

-Added a respawning health powerup for the monkeys on the top floor of the victory room

-Added a friendly reminder for stinky players that don't know the game's a local asymmetrical game (will go away after the first time you aknowledge it)

That's all, I think. Not feeling really good with any of this but it is what it is. 


Escape From Mandrillia - Alpha 763 MB
Jul 11, 2022

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