Alpha 0.0.6 HOTFIX: Bug fixes, Quality of Life tweaks

Hello there mandrillios, quick hotfix before Christmas with some QoL stuffs:

-Improved back holster system: should be easier and much more consistent to holster a longarm without dropping, and also easier to unholster it (especially for inside-out headsets). All longarms have now standarized grab triggers for that. NOTE: make sure your avatar is properly calibrated!

-(sad) Fixed bug that made you invincible to explosions if you didn't look at them, which was pretty awesome imho

-Made explosive damage for the VR player more consistent

-Made it possible for the VR player to break doors with a c4 charge (gotta put them right next to it for it to work)

-For horror mode, changed the 2 normal bolts the crossbow soldier corpse has for explosive bolts (not that they will help you much against horror monkeys)

-Removed door iframes after being hit; monkeys can now sandwich a door to death from both directions at the same time

-Disabled monkey ability to taunt while under the influence of poison gas (will add it back in the future with drunk specific animations)

-Very slightly reduced SMG rate of fire

-Prevented SMG sounds to overload unity's sound system when magdumping two of them at the same time

-Slightly increased minigun's muzzle rise when firing two handed

-Added small "SKIP INTRO" text next to the skip intro switch on the menu

-Prevented silencer from spawning in crates in situations where it would be useless (like in Hunter mode where you start with a silenced sidearm, a crossbow, and there are no extra longarm spawns)

cya knts and a happy new  year


Escape From Mandrillia - Alpha HOTFIX 626 MB
Dec 22, 2021

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