Alpha 0.0.9 Update: Berserking Monkeys and Sentry Turrets

Hello there you hairy apes

Today's update comes with two big gameplay updates: Mandrillian's special move (berserker mode) and the Sentry Turret.


If you check the revamped Mandrillian  UI, you'll see how the tracking and context action indicator have been positioned to reflect the buttons you'd have to push for them in a controller. That included one that would be the "B" or "O" button, up until now unused. Well, now it indicates the status of your Special Move!

Your Special Move will start charging as soon as you spawn as a Mandrillian. You can make it charge faster by dealing damage to the Robot, or by picking up health items (making going back to the vents when wounded even more of a good idea).

Once it's ready, press the button (R if you're using a keyboard) and your monkey will go insto unstoppable rage: status effects will be delayed, you will not lose any stamina point when attacking and you will have a hefty damage reduction to most types of damage. Use this well, and you will turn the tables on many situations.


One of SPHYNX first tries at automated defense systems. Not very sophisticated, but packs a punch. While on its folded configuration, it can be carried and repositioned anywhere (as long as it can stay upright). Then, press the deploy button (you will get two laser pointers indicating its default FOV) and let it unfold itself and protect you. Once active, if it detects a monkey it will shoot at it and follow it until it gets out of the way or dies. If you want to re-deploy it, just press the deploy button again and wait for it to fold. To reload it, replace the top loading magazine if you find some around, and to repair it if it gets roughed up by a monkey you can use one of your trusty Repair Kits.

There is always 1 turret located randomly in the facility. It is on its folded configuration, so it could be hard to find it... unless you link your multitool on the Security Room panel. This feature is a taste of things to come on the next update with the security camera system, but to sum things up, if you have a magenta keycard you can link your multitool to SPHYNX's systems to get radar notifications of important stuff.

Besides these two things, here's all the stuff in this update:

-Added Special Move Meter and Berserker special move for the Mandrillians.

-Added Sentry Turret object.

-Implemented Multitool Linking in the Security Room.

-Fixed oversight that made monkey attack charge framerate-dependant.

-Added new Match Setting: short poison gas daze. Activate it and monkeys will only get dazed for ~5 seconds when sniffing poison gas instead of the normal 15-20. This setting is auto-enabled in Super Soldier Preset.

-Added new Match Setting: special move charge. Set it between slow, normal, fast, or disabled. Some presets will change this automatically (for example, Horror Mode has it disabled, Super Soldier has it on fast)

-Added two ammo boxes in the north east and north west areas of the map.

-Tweaked Repair Kit system so it only heals the equivalent of a "standard" player HP when having extra HP modifiers.

We're getting closer to the proper Steam Release. Before that, Escape from Mandrillia will be one of the demos available at Steam's Next Fest, so stay tuned for more news about it!


Escape From Mandrillia - Alpha 0.0.9 745 MB
Apr 29, 2022

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